District Office: (520) 457-2217
Huachuca City School: (520) 456-9842
Walter J. Meyer: (520) 457-3371
Tombstone High School: (520) 457-2215
25/26 Open Positions
*Business Manager
*High School Culinary Arts Instructor
*High School Agriculture Teacher
*Elementary Teachers
*ELA 5th Grade Teacher
*Bus Drivers
*Facilities Technician
Applications are available, on the employment block, on this page or email employment@tombstone.k12.az.us for more information.
The 25/26 calendar is available now. 1st day of school for students will be 7/31/2025.
We will begin accepting registrations for NEW Students for the 25/26 SY on March 19. Please click the Registration Box for guidance for online registration. This is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY.
Make sure to check out the website calendars for all the upcoming events and athletic competitions. The TUSD students always have great things in the works.
THS parents...Please do not load money on your students MySchoolBucks account. TUSD has moved to a new food service company and changes are being made now. Please visit the Food Service page for more information.
TUSD is still hiring bus drivers and with the begin of the wind down of the 25/26 SY, any upcoming vacant positions will be posted on our website. Please visit the Employment Opportunity Email employment@tombstone.k12.az.us for more information.
Bus Routes have been updated. If you know of anyone that may be interested in transporting our "legends", please email employment@tombstone.k12.az.us.
The District Office has moved. We have moved out of Walter J. Meyer and given them their space back. Please note our new location is the former John L. Wyatt School located at 805 E. Fremont. Currently mapping apps will send the route to the old location even when entering the new address.